purple petal flower

Infuse Your Mornings with Magic

Hello beautiful! Today I’m happy to talk about turning some mundane moments magical! Here are some ideas to help you start your day with a little more oomph, and feel free to comment your ideas below!

Wake-Up Call

Waking up to a blaring alarm clock is a rough start to the day. Try setting your alarm to music that gradually gets louder. It’s a gentler way to wake up. If you’re like me, you probably lie in bed for a few minutes after the alarm goes off. If you’d like to make use of that time, try meditation!

Morning meditation is perfect because you’re still in that sleepy state where your subconscious is more accessible. It’s a quiet time to gently wake up while connecting with the your Gods, spirits, guides, and guardians. If you have kids or a busy schedule, setting your alarm a few minutes earlier can help ensure you have this peaceful time.

Morning Shower

After meditation, it’s time for a shower. Visualize the shower as a waterfall, with golden and white lights swirling around you in the steam. Breathe deeply and cleanse not just your body, but also your mind and soul. Imagine the water having protective properties that will shield you from negativity throughout the day.

I also like to imbue my bath products with specific intentions. For instance, I sometimes use lemon juice as a hair cleanser, which is great for lifting my mood. Choose scents that resonate with you on a magical level or pay attention to the colors of your bath products. If you’re trying to be eco-friendly, consider making your own products. Baking soda and vinegar for hair, baking soda toothpaste, cornstarch dry shampoo, and essential oil perfumes are just a few examples. DIY beauty products can be charged with your intentions during the making process, adding a magical touch!

Dressing with Intention

When getting dressed, consider the colors you’re wearing. For a big meeting at work, grounding browns or prosperity-drawing greens can be beneficial. Even if you have a dress code, you can play around with colors in your undergarments. For those who wear bras, try sewing a small pocket in the side to hold tiny gemstones if you don’t have other pockets.

Breakfast Blessings

Infuse your morning beverage or food with positive energy. If you consume animal products, give thanks to the animals involved. I like to say, “I give thanks to all the souls that went into the making of this meal.” This includes not just the animals, but also the farmers and workers who brought the food to your table.

Commute Connections

Commuting, while being a drag at times, can be a great time to check in with your Gods, to pray, to have some moving meditation, to notice the beauty of nature around you. Even when you’re stuck in traffic you can use this moment to realize and recognize that we are all connected, and that everyone has a thread of divinity within them. I like to send out blessings for those that would like to accept them. I mentally say something like “May everyone here who accepts these blessings receive them.” Remember, consent in magic is important!

Love you, be well!


5 thoughts on “Infuse Your Mornings with Magic”

  1. Your blog is a treasure trove of positivity and empowerment. I always leave feeling uplifted and ready to take on the world!

  2. I’ve always struggled with mornings, but this post has inspired me to approach them differently. Adding a bit of magic and mindfulness seems like a great way to shift my mindset and start the day with more positivity. Can’t wait to see how it transforms my mornings!

  3. This post really speaks to me! I’ve been trying to find ways to make my mornings more intentional, and your suggestions are spot on. Especially love the idea of setting daily intentions—it’s such a powerful way to focus my energy for the day ahead.

  4. I love this idea of starting the day with a little magic! Mornings can feel so rushed, but creating a mindful ritual sounds like the perfect way to set a positive tone. I’m definitely going to try incorporating some of these practices into my routine!

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